At any rate, the Philharmonic played in the thick, sometimes sloppy fashion that has done so much to undermine its reputation over the years.
But there is much chance for both sides to undermine the peace plan over the next three weeks.
He argued that threats to the dollar's stability helped undermine markets all over the world today.
For an instant I hesitated, wondering if my candid words might not undermine my authority over him.
Its loss was a major blow to Hittite prestige in the ancient world and undermined the young king's authority over his kingdom.
The collapse undermined Songhai's hegemony over the Hausa states and abruptly altered the course of regional history.
He said it undermined the officers' authority over the inmates.
That, in itself, would have been an act to undermine her authority over the heavy-worlders.
Often the phrase is shorthand for a combination of ailments that undermined someone s health over a period of months or years.
At issue is legislation that would undermine the unions' federally endorsed/guaranteed/protected competitive advantage over conventional banks.