The anti-workfare group Boycott Workfare make similar arguments stating that workfare replaces jobs and undermines wages.
Another considerable group outside the CLC is the Christian Labour Association of Canada, which is a company union that works to undermine wages and conditions for workers and is strongly opposed by the CLC.
Globalisation has increased the labour pool for companies, the choice of tax regimes, undermining wages, tax takes and public sector funding, whilst increasing private and public debt for those countries worst affected.
Work placements simply decrease the labour market and undermine wages its the Tories racing us to the bottom low wages for all.
But we don't believe in the free trade agreement because, even with the collateral agreements negotiated by the Clinton Administration, it would undermine wages and working conditions in the United States and Canada, and do little to improve the condition of Mexican workers.
Today, with rocketing inflation undermining real wages and feeding labor unrest, he evokes the image of a lonely and besieged figure.
Or will it undermine U.S. jobs and wages, as critics charge?
The president's proposal would undermine wages and keep citizen unemployment high, as rational employers would reduce wages and count on an unlimited supply of immigrant labor to fill any job that citizens leave.
John J. Sweeney, president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O., said the plan deepened "the potential for abuse and exploitation of these workers while undermining wages and labor protections for all workers."