Apart from that, professional forces tend to be recruited largely from underprivileged groups.
They would give the money back to the league, which would purchase tickets for underprivileged groups, in order to have more fans at the games.
Where tests have been given, the children of these underprivileged groups score an average 10 to 15 points below children in their country's dominant group.
Other time banks are more oriented towards social service, systems change, and helping underprivileged groups.
The major weight of its pressure, however, seldom concerns the interests of underprivileged groups in disadvantaged areas.
Once agreed upon, independence was secured quickly and peacefully, with no concessions being made to the underprivileged groups in society.
It maintains a dedicated focus on individual causes, with the potential to make a positive impact on underprivileged groups and their quality of life.
I know from experience that their services on behalf of underprivileged social groups and regions are very effective and often indispensable.
What about the needs of underprivileged groups, whom the communication ignores?
We feel that suspending aid to underprivileged groups would be an inappropriate sanction upon them.