Even after years of working with underprivileged women, Jack couldn't understand how she was managing to make this look easy.
Seva Bharati has large number of centers that provide vocational training to economically underprivileged women.
These activities employ more than 20 underprivileged women around the lake.
It aims to give 7,000 screenings to underprivileged women per year for the next five years.
Brown is partners with a charity called Dress for Success where she gives underprivileged women attractive clothes to wear to job interviews.
As a storyteller, Inoka has paid much attention to the plight of underprivileged and disadvantaged women.
Its mission chiefly centers around empowering underprivileged women to create and manage self-sustaining communities.
"Tell me, Commander, have you got some place nobody knows about, like a hideaway where you take, say, underprivileged women who might enjoy your company?"
An underprivileged woman like that, with a drunken husband, would be apt to go for a guy like Melton.
They were set up as gratis institutions and offered to care for the infants, which made them attractive to underprivileged women, including prostitutes.