Asians have probably been the most underrepresented ethnic group in American football.
The faculty is 37% female and 63% male, with 10% from underrepresented groups.
In California, women were dropped long ago from the category of "underrepresented" groups.
Nothing less than radical reform in K-12 education is required to make students from underrepresented groups fully competitive with others.
"Our larger goal is to find ways to get underrepresented groups more involved in the field," he said.
Provide leadership in the education of underrepresented and disadvantaged groups.
About 25% of Sheridan staff and families are from underrepresented groups.
In other words, the members of the underrepresented groups become co-researchers.
The company has made significant strides in its talent-development efforts for people from underrepresented groups.
About 20 percent of new prosecutors during that period came from groups traditionally underrepresented in the law.