In addition to training people for cooperative bike shop work specifically, apprenticeship is an avenue for underrepresented populations (e.g. women and minorities) to enter the bike industry.
The firm specializes in delivering messaging to diverse and underrepresented populations, including African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans and women.
It is committed to the promotion of chess education for underserved and underrepresented populations, especially girls and at-risk youth.
The primary goal of the station is to serve as a vehicle for facilitating increased engagement of the community at large, with a special emphasis on engaging traditionally marginalized and underrepresented populations within metro Phoenix.
Senator Akaka is focused on eliminating health care disparities, particularly with regard to Native Hawaiians, Native Americans, and other underrepresented populations.
They asked that the Census Bureau release scientifically-adjusted figures that would account for those underrepresented populations.
Pathways websites help the underrepresented population in remote areas to access the training materials through the Internet.
An additional concern with consultations is that women and underrepresented populations are often left outside during the process.
We need to prepare more teachers from underrepresented populations so kids can see role models like themselves.
The recipient is selected by the committee and is not required to be a member of an underrepresented ethnically diverse population.