The idea is that while undersized fish will still be returned, their capture will earn a consolation point for the captor.
Its roots come from the Continent, where many shore matches reward the capture of undersized fish.
Then, how long before somebody proposes giving points for undersized fish that did not make the undersize fish measure?
Colliery beaches produced some sizeable codling, although they are out numbered by undersized fish.
They can issue fines up to $250 for each undersized fish.
Output controls: These include regulation governing the allowed proportion of undersized fish in catch.
He examined it, then tossed it back onto the grass like an undersized fish.
On a calm sunny day plenty of undersized fish were caught all day.
Because of this, the trap also allows for the release of undersized fish as per fishing regulations.
Amendment No 4 concerns industrial fishing, where by-catches of undersized fish and other species undeniably occur, that is true.