The Shadow could have left unnoticed; even if seen, the police would have understood his presence.
It has proved uncooperative and uninformative, despite our urgent need to understand its presence here.
Cardona was studying every angle; the more he considered the case, the less he could understand the stranger's presence.
He did not understand Ishihara's presence, but he would worry about why he was here later.
Ye who do not yet know me, will come to understanding our presence.
"They led me to understand," he said, "that you might not entirely welcome my presence."
Again," Spock said, "I am at a loss to understand their presence.
The man surveyed them both and clearly understood their presence but showed no sign of relief.
I don't understand your presence here either, Miles thought as the door hissed closed and the lock beeped.
He still couldn't understood the barbarians' presence, but explanations would have to wait.