I never really understood poetry or had the patience for it.
In Lecture 19 he sets out the classic statement of parallelism which still today is the most fundamental category for understanding Hebrew poetry.
"If you understood poetry and magic, you'd know that it doesn't matter."
Someone who had a head on her shoulders, for a while at least, and who understood its meaning and poetry.
The Leisure Series offer study packs on understanding paintings, music, poetry and the countryside.
Doctor Pond tried to make sense of the quotation, seemingly decided that it was some archaic, pleasant sentiment for those who understood poetry, and smiled.
They also tend to think if they don't understand it that means it's good poetry because you're not supposed to understand poetry.
He could as easily have understood Chinese poetry.
Duhig concluded that Fulton's essays explicate "one possible language for understanding poetry in the age of quantum mechanics."
She had a gift from God, which it was my duty to protect for her people and all people who could understand poetry.