We don't yet understand the geological and biological cycles on the Red Moon.
Those who want to understand the cycles of success and failure of the conservative movement need to know Goldwaterism.
(Snow, 131) The site allows us to begin to comprehend the degree to which the Anasazi/ Ancient Pueblo understood the solar and lunar cycles.
Understanding the interactions of the atmosphere with the land and ocean is key to understanding the natural cycles of atmospheric gases and requires going beyond the earth's surface.
High precision measurements of the trace gases CO2, CH4, and CO are being undertaken by many laboratories of various nations in order to better understand the biogeochemical cycles of these gases.
Its final thought was one of enormous regret, not that it would die, for it understood the cycles of life and death, but that now its offspring would die as well.
They understood the cycles of the Universe.
At the same time, such knowledge can also help physicians and health officials understand the infectious cycles of disease-causing bacteria and protists, allowing to them to establish preventive measures.
Each year the Salinas River flooded and then dried up, and John began to understand the cycles of seasons.
"A lot of the retailers are looking through their brands now, trying to understand the cash-flow cycles for each one," said Darrell Rigby, a retail consultant with Bain & Company in Boston.