If there are lessons to be learned here imo they are that a company needs to understand trends in the market.
Businesses, the public, and other interest groups use inventories to better understand the sources and trends in emissions.
Economic intelligence will play an increasingly important role in helping policy-makers understand economic trends.
Noonan placed a great deal of importance on numismatics in understanding economic and social trends.
This trip primarily focused on understanding new trends in paper conversion and exploring further opportunities.
"This landfill has those qualities that help us as a nation understand trends in emerging and developing technology."
One of them was to be an economist who, as Mettler describes the job today, would "understand trends and upstream events."
We can understand such trends only if we grasp the elemental underlying truth.
It is important reading for anyone who seeks to understand modern trends among women.
People will want to use police and crime data to understand trends and patterns in crime.