"Welcome aboard," she said in barely understandable English.
However, industries often argue in retrospect that clear, understandable English is often needed in specific work settings in the U.S.
"Bad news, she rides a fast horse," the Russian said in easily understandable English.
And then, in perfectly understandable English, he said: "Put up your hands, King, or I'll kill you."
The second of the formidable pair said, "Good morning," in pleasant, perfectly understandable English.
There are citizens ballot initiatives to consider, to deal with, to fathom, to parse into understandable English.
Then, grimacing like an ape, the strangler mouthed a few words in poor, but understandable, English: "You wish to see Li Husang?"
Dr. Lee testified in English that was heavily accented and choppy yet highly understandable and, often, entertaining.
Another group of training experts had to translate those tomes into understandable English so employees could interpret them.
They are wed in a downtown Los Angeles marriage bureau by a man named Jorge Medina in barely understandable English.