That's an understandable response, but I also think it may deprive the works of their poetry and meaning.
This understandable response is dangerous - and also illegal.
Howler asked questions again, in a series of languages, trying to elicit an understandable response.
Paralysis enforced by bitterness and resentment is an understandable response to historical injury.
This resigned attitude is an understandable response if individuals suffer subordinate positions in many of their social relationships.
"You might not like it, but someone out there will," is an understandable (and common) response to my rejection emails.
This is, of course, a perfectly understandable response - but it casts little light on the reality behind the shadow.
It is an understandable response, but one that can be fatal, cardiologists say.
The Democrats' difficulty in figuring out how to address the current mess is an understandable response to an impossible situation.
Sarcasm is an understandable response, given what he found himself up against.