Meanwhile, readers understandably eager for Buckley's memoirs will have to wait until next year, if not longer.
Given this astronomical success, readers will be understandably eager to find out what, exactly, Thorp's method was.
President Clinton, understandably eager to change the subject, wants to deliver his State of the Union address on schedule next week.
Although general partners have veto power over proposed sales and are understandably eager to maintain a stable investor base, turnover is rising.
They were understandably eager to know what we thought of them.
The Regents are understandably eager to please business leaders who have vigorously supported New York's school reform effort.
They are understandably eager not to let their costly time be pirated by partisans claiming to speak for the public.
The trust is understandably eager to help save a remnant of New York's agricultural past.
The President-elect is understandably eager to hit the ground running, but the American agenda is very different from Moscow's.
So people who care about the work are understandably eager to learn something about the judge.