His understanding of the case in hand emerges from a process of polite, measured enquiry.
Indeed, just such an understanding emerged in some of her teaching in later years.
Finally, by the early 1990s, the current understanding emerged.
Until recently, psychologists believed that our understanding of physical laws emerges strictly from experience.
In this case, that understanding has emerged from a consistent effort to apply Bahá'í teachings to the analysis of social conditions.
But as details and a greater understanding emerge, that version remains open to question.
It is hoped that by studying these systems a more general understanding of transitions to turbulence will emerge.
Despite this failing, a clearer understanding of all these design issues is emerging among donor agencies, private firms and government ministries.
His new understanding emerged against the backdrop of an era of perpetual scandal in Washington.
There is not yet scientific consensus on when the understanding of object permanence emerges in human development.