Curtis looked after him with an understanding grin; the two men had a lot in common.
You might find it possible to ...' 'I'll stay on board the flagship for as little time as possible, sir,' Baker said with an understanding grin.
"And doubtless for generations here," Brian added with an understanding grin.
Suddenly a common thread looped around them and Crusher's lips curved into an understanding grin.
I've learned to not wear a thing,' Alemi remarked with an understanding grin, his tanned body bare to the folded clout so many wore in the hot season.
"Cherished for generations in your mother's family ..." "And doubtless for generations here," Brian added with an understanding grin.
Boomer flashed an understanding grin.
Taggart gave her an understanding grin.
Elk's big front teeth dominated his understanding grin.
Laria asked with an understanding grin.