Jasene inclined her head in what Gina hoped was an understanding nod.
She gave an understanding nod and didn't ask more when Jess told her that the boy in question had been taken by the army.
With an understanding nod, the blunt-faced man stole to the study door, opened it, and stepped inside.
The direct analysis brought an understanding nod from Nayre.
Marasco jerked his head in an understanding nod, took another step toward the door, paused and turned back again.
When this happens they can, with society's understanding nod, obtain a divorce and each go on with his or her individual life.
Grimly, Chet turned to Harry, who gave an understanding nod.
"Oh, that's it," Olive said with an understanding nod.
With an understanding nod, she said, "You have my word."
With an understanding nod, Matthew picked up a decanter and a snifter.