Tetun-Belu and Tetun-Terik are not spoken or well understood outside their home territories.
The threat, not well understood outside the medical community, has been rendered with authoritative starkness since news broke of the flu vaccine shortage.
Ideas cannot be understood outside their social and historical context, apart from their function and origin.
Little understood outside the industry, post-production is essential if raw footage shot on a set is to be alchemized into a polished movie.
The success of these scams shows that foundations and grant writers have not made their work visible and understood outside the nonprofit world.
I sure admire his ability to make effective arguments that can be understood outside the rarefied circles of one's already-convinced friends.
"Kent cannot be understood outside the context of New York weekenders," he continued.
This reciprocation is more subtle, and often not understood outside our guild.
"They taught me that individuals cannot be understood outside their familial context."
The nature of the show demands misinterpretation: how can music be understood outside its context?