The programs are offered until Year 11, when students are given the opportunity to undertake further courses during their senior years.
These students are able to undertake undergraduate courses while they are in full-time employment.
The college is affiliated to the University of Mumbai and undertaking various courses.
In 1970, they moved into their own building where they housed students undertaking courses from graphic design to doll making.
Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.
Senior students are also able to undertake Vocational Education and Training courses.
Since then he has undertaken courses in information technology, hospitality, engineering, horticulture, cleaning, fitness and first aid.
The other 90% are on personal leave because of family or educational obligations or they are undertaking external courses.
Students also undertake several courses that give them "an in depth understanding of contemporary Jewish and Israeli national issues.
A second risk is that people who hold positive illusions will set goals, or undertake courses of actions which are more likely to produce failure than success.