The consortium's funding will be used to build the facility and to undertake maintenance and Capital (economics) replacement during the life-cycle of the contract.
They found conditions in the three-bedsit property 'quite unacceptable' and served notice on Hussein to undertake immediate repairs and maintenance.
Undertake the management and maintenance of the development in exchange for a covenant from each member to pay an annual service charge.
Entergy, he said, had changed its strategy, undertaking aggressive maintenance on various systems while the plant was running to keep them in top shape.
The South Metropolitan undertook such maintenance as they could in Sutton depôt.
Until 1867 it only undertook repairs and maintenance.
Once the solar park has been commissioned, the owner usually enters into a contract with a suitable counterparty to undertake operation and maintenance (O&M).
A government agency decided who was allowed to enter the community and undertook its care and maintenance.
In 1976, the City of Sherbrooke undertook park management and maintenance.
Nine months after activation, the 41st undertook transient maintenance.