A contract of sale is an agreement by which the seller and buyer undertake mutual obligations.
The mandates were fundamentally different from the protectorates in that the Mandatory power undertook obligations to the inhabitants of the territory and to the League of Nations.
Second, promises are made by acts intended to undertake obligations and confer rights.
A member of the engineering profession knowingly and voluntarily undertakes a responsibility to others within the community, and in so doing, shoulders certain personal, social and professional obligations.
Venizelos had stated that King Constantine and his advisers had undertaken obligations towards the Central Powers.
I've undertaken obligations.
Every country shall undertake obligations and responsibilities according to their capacity.
It was structured to be an almost entirely symmetrical treaty, treating both sides equally and requiring them to undertake mutual obligations.
As noted above, clauses such as these will often be coupled with a clause expressly undertaking other, generally less onerous, obligations.
I am in favour of abolishing quotas, but with a parallel obligation to undertake symmetrical obligations with regard to duty-related and technical barriers.