Thereafter the Maratha forces stabilised and began to undertake raids on the Mughal columns.
His primary occupation, and the family's sole source of income, was undertaking raids in the Najd.
But apparently in an effort to capture new attention and increase its visibility, the group is undertaking raids like the one on the Japanese Ambassador's residence.
It ended these operations in March 1943, moving to France to undertake raids over Britain.
The centralized corps could undertake long raids into enemy territory, destroying supplies, and gathering intelligence about the enemy forces.
Sources claimed that this group undertook hit-and-run raids inside Ethiopia.
God ordering the Israelites to undertake punitive military raids against other tribes.
For the next five months, the Chinese guerrillas undertook further raids, typically attacks on longhouses.
He undertook similar raids up to 1524 and had established his base camp at Peshawar.