Disney stopped making both a spin-off television series and an underwater attraction at its Disneyland theme park.
The underwater scuba diving park features underwater attractions ranging from a completely submerged school bus, various sunken boats, an aircraft fuselage and more.
There are a number of underwater attractions in depths ranging from 6m to 76m.
Experience Aruba's most unique underwater attraction aboard an Atlantis Submarine!
Worst case scenario - your boat becomes an underwater attraction.
Due to the film's poorer-than-expected box-office performance, Disney quietly canceled both a spin-off television series and an underwater attraction at its Disneyland theme park.
And the underwater attractions are about to get even better.
Use of this equipment allows the snorkeler to observe underwater attractions for extended periods of time with relatively little effort.
Technical diving and use of rebreathers are increasing, particularly in areas of the world where deeper wreck diving is the main underwater attraction.
I guess it's a testament to Komodo's underwater attractions that it has taken us almost two weeks to visit the world-famous dragons.