When they start the mission to go under the depths, they are attacked by several underwater creatures within a matter of seconds.
These underwater creatures are masters of deception so cleverly adapted to their environment that many would never be found without expert knowledge.
There he encounters a civilization of anthropomorphic underwater creatures.
She turned just in time to see the five-year old youngster moving down the surface of the water as though carried by some underwater creature.
The only explanation we could come up with was that some underwater creature had taken her from us.
As in Bretta's case, it was being carried by some underwater creature.
They are humanlike underwater creatures who emerge onto land at night to forage for food.
He described a world of tiny, underwater creatures no bigger than his thumb.
But other civilians also get a glimpse of a strange underwater creature.
At the photoshoot, the girls are turned into underwater creatures and pose in a beauty shot.