Herzog was drawn to Antarctica after viewing underwater footage filmed by Henry Kaiser.
The Defense Force analyzes underwater footage of what appears to be glowing dorsal fins leaving the destroyed nuclear submarine from before.
The film was shot almost entirely on location on Thursday Island, except for the underwater footage, which was filmed off Green Island.
The technique is especially associated with explosion effect shots and underwater footage.
He showed me several stills from underwater footage, which admittedly were rather Rorschactian.
It features full motion video sequences and actual underwater footage, the first game to do so.
He also thought that the extensive underwater footage slowed down the action.
Voyage to the Edge of the World was the first film to show underwater footage taken from the submerged inside of glaciers or icebergs.
National Geographic cameras capture astounding underwater footage of the anaconda hunting, and document an amazing breeding ball of slithering serpents.
After drinks in the captain's cabin, he enjoyed a delicious meal, then he was entertained with incredible underwater footage of the ship's whale research.