The search of the capsized ship, including a risky underwater inspection, continued throughout the night in rough seas.
Nevertheless, when approached by M16 to carry out an underwater inspection of the Ordzhonikidze, he agreed without hesitation.
He did recommend an underwater inspection.
National Geographic bought one of his creations, and hundreds of others were eventually sold as the 70-pound unit quickly became the industry standard for underwater inspection.
Since the accident, the Thruway Authority has said it failed to conduct regular underwater inspections of the bridge piers.
That is the case of underwater inspections of ports, offshore platforms, vessels, bridges and dams.
There are also specialized insurance policies required for all waterfront work, and additional riders for underwater inspections.
My father had an accident on an underwater inspection.
It would also place more emphasis on identifying structural fractures and on underwater inspection.
After an underwater inspection of the hull, officials said the damage had been more extensive than first reported.