At the moment though, with so few experts in this field, underwater sites will come forward for consideration far less often than land sites.
In 2010, over 600,000 people around the world removed more than 8 million pounds of debris from 5,438 coastal, shoreline, and underwater sites.
An environmental review and clarification of county policy for leasing underwater sites would be required.
Numerous gold coins found at the underwater archaeological sites provide a hint of when disaster struck.
In this context organic remains are very important in determining if and when an underwater archaeological site was above water.
Artifacts recovered from underwater sites need special care.
Investigating an underwater site however, is likely to take longer and be more costly than an equivalent terrestrial one.
A ransom was to be picked up at an underwater site in the harbor.
Digging at an underwater site in Cuba, they have uncovered the remnants of houses 500 to 700 years old.
This was the first time that an underwater site had received this status in Quebec.