According to the article, many of the underweight babies are born to black women and teen-agers.
A10 Many underweight babies die in poor families around the country.
The quarter million dangerously underweight babies born each year face a 1 in 10 chance that they won't live to their first birthday.
About 30 percent of the area's mothers who identify themselves as cocaine users deliver severely underweight babies, compared with 7.3 percent among the general population.
Beyond the Fire Department, one scientific study showed that women who breathed the dust had a greater chance of delivering underweight babies.
They give birth to underweight babies and often cannot produce enough breast milk.
In pregnancy, it can result in premature births, seriously underweight babies and even fetal death.
Pregnant women who smoke marijuana also place their children at risk; they are five times more likely to have deformed or underweight babies than the average.
The residents gave birth to underweight babies in 5.3 percent of the cases as against 5.6 percent for the non-physician women.
Intensified prenatal care has reduced the number of fetal deaths and underweight babies.