Sometimes provides Stu with information on underworld activities.
The don dies in an encounter and he asks Kali to leave the underworld activities and become a good citizen.
These businesses were fronts for underworld activities which included fraud, racketeering, usury, theft and stolen goods.
Cat Burglars - A species of cat-like humanoids who live off by underworld activities.
He is given a special assignment to track down the underworld activities and their drug dealings.
Hawkeye was usually correct in his analyses of underworld activities.
This night was typical of underworld activity.
From his base in Dubai, Ibrahim controlled underworld activities through his various lieutenants.
For those who belonged to powerful gangs, it was easy to control underworld activities from within the jail by mobile phone.
Meanwhile, an agent of the firearms bureau posed as an organized-crime figure from Miami who wanted the guns for his underworld activities.