King Lear is a play about undeserved suffering, and Lear himself is at worst a fool.
Based on such internal evidence, biblical scholar John Elliott summarizes the addressees' situation as one marked by undeserved suffering.
In Robertsonian theodicy-the justification of the ways of God in the face of evil-there's no such thing as undeserved suffering: people struck by disaster always had it coming.
What--or who--is the source of undeserved suffering?
Thus it accepts that there is suffering in the world, but maintains that there is no undeserved suffering, and in that sense, no evil.
We cannot conceive of God sanctioning undeserved suffering.
You have gone through undeserved sufferings and pains.
Rather, he argues, undeserved suffering in this life can be purely due to the wrongdoing of the perpetrators and not some punishment for the victims.
Compassion is distress arising from the wretchedness of a neighbor in undeserved suffering.
There are a great many ways in which, at the present moment, the church, by its insistence upon what it chooses to call morality, inflicts upon all sorts of people undeserved and unnecessary suffering.