They are created to find "undesirable" traits in a person's behavior, past crimes, and dishonesty, in order to sort out potential candidates.
In tradition, the hair from birth is associated with undesirable traits from past lives.
This can cause unknown undesirable genetic traits in the stud to spread rapidly within the gene pool.
Sterling or no, they cannot outweigh your undesirable traits.
This example illustrates the unconscious selection for undesirable traits.
By killing every member of a family, he would have successfully eliminated undesirable genetic traits from the population pool.
Inflexibility - often an undesirable trait in a mayor - turned out this time to be just the right approach.
The design proved to have some undesirable traits.
Indolence is one of his most undesirable traits and costs the Alimentive dear.
Some of his undesirable traits include a quick temper and/or self-righteousness.