Some regulators will tend to oscillate or have a slow response time which in some cases might lead to undesired results.
In order to control this undesired result, Congress included 1231(c).
This was soon dropped as it became apparent that other interferences were creating undesired results for the driver.
Failure to notice an unintentional state change results in undesired results.
But in each case the period in which the disfavored regulations are law may permit undesired results to take place.
A game of Cat and Fly has undesired results for Simon.
Leaving an empty box unattended around Cat will produce... undesired results.
Too hard of an application may lead to the needle being misplaced on the record, slipping to the next several grooves, an undesired result.
Other amendments, however, are liable to bring about undesired results.
The way that the command uses whitespace to break up its input into arguments can sometimes have undesired results.