The northeast, where the refugees are arriving, is the most undeveloped part of the country.
They were at less than fifteen feet now as the water became more shallow in this undeveloped part of the harbor.
Its operations are primarily focused on the rural, undeveloped parts of India.
He said a plan to build 175 single-family homes on the undeveloped part of the second unfinished project is being reviewed by the town.
There are some undeveloped parts, with a house running along the northern edge of the park.
Nesting sea turtles can be found throughout the undeveloped eastern part of the island.
Ron Lau, who is 69, has long tried to build something on the undeveloped part of the property - the hole in the ground.
The undeveloped part of the adjacent forest areas are used for recreation.
Significant construction work on the previously undeveloped northern part of campus also took place during this time.
There is a nature trail through the undeveloped part of the park.