Montgomery Hills, as the project will be known, is the undeveloped portion of an earlier project that began in the 1980's.
The mall did well in the beginning, despite its location in the relatively undeveloped southern portion of Dallas.
The site was the undeveloped portion of a three-building, 330,000-square-foot office complex the company acquired at an auction several years earlier.
The stretch of shoreline along the base-- 17 miles - is the largest undeveloped portion of coastal area left in Southern California.
This new route represents a social decision by the Japanese to open previously undeveloped portions of their crowded country.
There are a few undeveloped portions along the creek, mostly as parks in Markham.
The wetland was the last undeveloped portion of a 250-acre parcel the company bought in 1956 for $300,000.
This undeveloped portion of the park encompasses significant lakeplain prairie and oak openings (savannas), which have been described as unique natural environments in Michigan.
Make them self replicating so it would spread over the undeveloped portions of the planet!
Only the wooded and undeveloped portions of the land may be enrolled in the program.