It diagrams in unusually raw, undiluted form the very mechanism of individual artistic ambition and drive.
And, like a fine whiskey, it still appeals to connoisseurs in its original, undiluted form.
And no one expects that honesty will be presented in its undiluted form - "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
It furthermore risks irritation of eyes, skin, digestive tract, and respiratory tract in its undiluted form.
In its undiluted form, the bill would have required a panel of doctors to review medical claims that insurance companies believe are unnecessary.
Faced with the undiluted form of the same thing, I was at a loss as to how to respond.
However, workers are unlikely to have any more than brief exposure to the chemical in its undiluted form.
Finally, from the time of Peter the Great decision-making power was concentrated in undiluted form in the hands of the monarch.
Because essential oils are highly concentrated they can irritate the skin when used in undiluted form.
He entrusted the sangha he established to preserve his teaching in its undiluted form so that it will remain effective for later generations.