One previously undisclosed document was a 10-page letter that the Evangelical bishop of Wurttemberg, Theophil Wurm, wrote on July 10, 1940, to the Reich Interior Ministry.
According to Reuters, undisclosed documents indicate that banks such as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs have visited Bitcoin exchanges as often as 30 times a day.
And they were used by counterterrorism officials to respond to a bogus Somali terrorism plot on the day of President Obama's inauguration, according to previously undisclosed documents.
One previously undisclosed document is a status report on the "six project" that Mr. Gleason sent to Mr. Haldeman on Oct. 12, 1970.
Previously undisclosed internal documents that were provided by a lawyer involved in civil litigation against the bank raise questions about some Deutsche Bank transactions.
In 1989, after long-stored and undisclosed documents turned up showing witness accounts that could have cleared Mr. Landano, a federal judge overturned the conviction and released him.
Much of that evidence appears to be in the previously undisclosed documents.
A report published Wednesday in The Washington Post cited a previously undisclosed document that suggested that Iraq might have destroyed its biological weapons as early as 1991.
The accusations were said to be based on undisclosed documents which mention the initial letter J., interpreted to mean the premier Janez Janša.
Bishop Treanor was speaking at a press conference where previously undisclosed documents from church archives relating to the events were being made available for the first time.