Mr. Short said Friday that after the two agencies had worked as partners on an undisclosed project, they began talking six months ago about combining forces.
The new shop, McGarrah/Jessee, opens with two undisclosed projects.
In the period that followed, Viet Tan remained an underground organization with undisclosed projects and campaigns.
They spent 2008 working on an undisclosed project sponsored by Diesel Clothing and Belvedere Vodka.
Lotas Minard continues working for P.& G. on undisclosed projects.
In 2007, Hitoshi Sakimoto revealed that he was working on an undisclosed project with Matsuno.
The company is currently working on undisclosed projects and is now based out of Cardiff in Wales.
Following this the pair worked on an undisclosed project for a year, before this too was cancelled.
Tudor is working on undisclosed projects.
The new shop is working on two undisclosed projects.