This represents 13% of the undiscovered oil in the world.
It is further estimated that approximately 84% of the undiscovered oil and gas occurs offshore.
It is significant for the global energy market because it may hold 25% or more of the world's undiscovered oil and gas resources.
Eight years ago it estimated that there were 83 billion barrels of undiscovered crude oil.
On a wider scale, the Interior Department estimates that about a third of the country's undiscovered oil and gas lies in coastal waters.
These 32 basins represent about 97% of the discovered and undiscovered oil and gas resources of the United States.
The Arctic may contain around 20% of the world's remaining undiscovered oil and gas resources.
Now this represents between 13% and 20% of all undiscovered oil in the world.
An estimated quarter of the world's undiscovered oil and gas resources are in the Arctic.
This represented 13% of the expected undiscovered oil in the world.