She clapped her hands with undisguised pleasure and walked right up to him.
It's about time we got some good news around here," Honor said with undisguised pleasure as the screen blanked once more.
Her brilliant blue eyes passed from the slightest puzzlement to undisguised pleasure as she saw who it was at the door.
Selkas watched as she left the hall, seeing her smile, her undisguised pleasure.
At her side, Noah beamed with undisguised pleasure, every inch the proud father.
This was no hardship, for it allowed him to gaze at her with undisguised pleasure.
The psychologist, who had been listening to the exuberant youth with undisguised pleasure, spoke calmly.
Sitting the boy at the table he ladled soup into a bowl and watched with undisguised pleasure as the child enjoyed it.
Her smile was dazzling, her face bright with undisguised pleasure.
"I don't think I'll miss being a director," he said with undisguised pleasure.