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The Wajihids did not enjoy undisputed control of Oman.
One that will put him in undisputed control of a worldwide gambling wire setup.
During most of his nearly 30 year-long tenure, Bismarck held undisputed control over the government's policies.
Having gained undisputed control of the Buyid state, he seemed content to allow external enemies to seize territories in the west and north.
However, Pathans do not seem to have enjoyed undisputed control over the entire district or area.
Still, although final results are not yet in, it is clear that the party will keep undisputed control of the Bosnian Serb legislature.
After much legal wrangling, he recently regained undisputed control of the Moog trademark.
The Byzantine forces were left in undisputed control of the western districts of Lazica.
On Wall Street, the party in power - the bull party - has held undisputed control for 15 years.
But she also ruled his inner chambers with undisputed control.