They wear a large floppy straw hat and have an entirely undistinguished face with the exception of a small mouth.
Seen closer to, her features were still indistinct; she had a soft, round face, undistinguished by any apparent bone structure, and baby-fine brown hair, neatly brushed.
The Shadow spun on his heel and saw her sitting up in the moonlight, ultimate terror on her pudgy, undistinguished, middle-aged face.
Normally such a portrait would take me about an hour, but I had to pretend to have difficulty in capturing the signs of leadership which I pretended to find in his undistinguished face.
The ambassador had an undistinguished face, neither handsome nor ugly, and easily forgotten.
The range officer's undistinguished face assumed a disgruntled expression.
He did not need to turn his head to take in the small accountant's body, the undistinguished face.
Arvardan looked about at the undistinguished and normal faces of his fellow passengers.
John G. O'Ryan looked back at me: a stranger with thick, dark hair, an undistinguished face that had a slightly Mediterranean cast to it (why the O'Ryan, then?)
When the head came out it was observed to bear a neat Albemarle wig, and to possess a thin, calm, undistinguished face which seemed somehow familiar to both Ward and the artist.