The Israelis claim as theirs the "undivided city" that they gained after the 1967 war.
The American Committee on Jerusalem maintains that sovereignty over Jerusalem must be shared to allow the undivided city to serve as the capital of both Israel and the emerging Palestinian state.
On Jerusalem, Mr. Clinton said it must be an open and undivided city and it should "encompass the internationally recognized capitals of two states - Israel and Palestine."
President Clinton recently reaffirmed his 1992 campaign statement that Jerusalem is "an undivided city, the eternal capital of Israel."
The Muslim-led Bosnian Government is deeply committed to preserving a single, undivided, multi-ethnic city under its control.
Mr. Arafat, they point out, was not asking for a divided city but rather shared sovereignty in an open and undivided city.
Soviet soldiers, never the most free of individuals, now found themselves in an undivided Western city that offered each the chance simply to walk away, to disappear.
The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 declares that "Jerusalem shall remain an undivided city" and that it "should be recognized as the capital of Israel."
The act also called for Jerusalem to remain an undivided city and for it to be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel.
In 1990 the United States Senate adopted a resolution "acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel's capital" and stating that it "strongly believes that Jerusalem must remain an undivided city."