She added: "I have asked our attorneys for their full and undivided support in defending diversity at the University of Michigan.
However, he did not want to alienate them, and sought their undivided support by avoiding alliances with groups loyal to other ideologies.
You'll not have any time to be giving him any undivided support and succour.
"We will need your complete and undivided support."
Leaders who want to be included in the peace process must show by their deeds an undivided support for peace.
The people of New York give President Bush our strong, undivided and patriotic support.
The crucial question is whether anyone with national credibility will carry the reform banner into the campaign, and enjoy the undivided support of democratic voters.
To all these peoples we express our solidarity and undivided support.
In conclusion, we have before us a balanced and most satisfactory compromise that deserves our full and undivided support.
The case is taken to court, and the rest of the youth immediately put aside past frustrations and give Mira their undivided support.