The workers were impoverished, undocumented aliens who spoke no English and had little education.
The city's public schools, for example, have between 40,000 and 60,000 students whose parents are undocumented aliens, he said.
Under the immigration act, undocumented aliens were given one year, ending May 4, to apply for legal status.
And has been a vigorous advocate for the rights of undocumented aliens.
And the chances are good that she used an undocumented alien at some point.
Because the study included undocumented aliens who may turn out to have prior records.
"Illegal, undocumented aliens are driving American workers to the unemployment lines."
"But when it comes to the spending of taxpayers' dollars, I cannot turn my head and treat undocumented aliens like citizens."
"We cannot write off our undocumented aliens without great cost to ourselves."
Under the legislation, it would still be illegal for American employers to hire undocumented aliens.