It was an undoubted fact that two people resembling each other were en rapport.
For example, the human genome exists in every one of us, and is therefore our shared heritage and an undoubted fact of nature.
Simeon said, with the air of someone trying to establish an assertion as undoubted fact: "Now we've got to go back and report."
Here, again, we are called upon to yield to bare assertions on matters of belief and opinion, as if they were established and undoubted facts.
Given that one undoubted fact, what couldn't they believe?
Nothing had been touched or taken, but there were the footprints to prove that the intrusion was an undoubted fact.
On the other there was the undoubted fact that we would be on the receiving end.
The problem is to understand how this undoubted fact finds a consistent place within quantum theory.
I say this advisedly, for it is an undoubted fact that it was.
Once I explained the undoubted facts to him, how could he possibly fail to draw the same conclusions from them as I had myself?