We use the words in the sense of a psychic process by which the mind protects itself from undue or unbearable pain, anxiety or conflict.
Hillenbrand also advocates whips that do not cause undue pain.
At least she was spared undue pain and never knew the ignominy of her condition.
The real issue is how to have a good time without feeling undue pain.
"We are simply protecting the relatives from undue pain - it was for her own protection."
Putting his full weight on his right leg did not cause undue pain, he was relieved to find.
So why should you give them undue pain when there is no honey by cutting the honeycomb.
America is filled with automobiles into which human beings fit themselves every day without undue pain.
He had even learned the most difficult trick of a matrix circle, the long hours unmoving, without undue pain or cramping.
His greater magic was that he could end an affair without undue pain or acrimony.