On the undulating ridge there is a sharp descent - through Wyche Cutting - but this is followed by a fair climb to Herefordshire Beacon.
The crests of the undulating ridges of end moraines are usually covered with pine forests growing on sandy soils; the ground moraines were used for agriculture.
From here the route climbs steeply to the summit of Craiggowrie at 2,240ft and follows the undulating ridge south east to Creagan Gorm at 2,403ft.
They were only a low undulating ridge, perhaps two hundred feet high at most.
Negroids have the third largest brow ridges with an "undulating supraorbital ridge".
It forms an undulating ridge running roughly north-south for about 5 km, the highest summit of which is Glas Leathad Mòr.
They made an undulating ridge, often rising almost to a thousand feet, and here and there falling again to low clefts or passes leading into the eastern land beyond.
Fighting exhaustion, the two climbers continued up the undulating ridge above.
'On the summit day it was so hot our main problem was carrying our clothing along the undulating ridge,' said Roger.
Each area is separated from the others by "dragon walls" with undulating gray tiled ridges, each terminating in a dragon's head.