Unfortunately, Du Pont proved to be unduly cautious, and his reputation could not survive the failure of the fleet attack on Charleston of April 7, 1863.
He was accused of neglecting civil duties and of being unduly cautious in his military decisions.
The evening opened with an unduly cautious account of George Balanchine's "Raymonda Variations."
But her "Caro nome" was unduly cautious, and even by operatic standards, her acting was awkward and stiff.
Posterior-coverers wanted to assert a gloomy evaluation in case something went wrong; better to look unduly cautious than realistically optimistic.
If the musicians seem unduly cautious in their interpretive stance, their lightness of tone brings its own satisfactions.
East-West will certainly locate their diamond fit, and may play five diamonds doubled, or even four diamonds undoubled if North is unduly cautious.
Call me unduly cautious - call me soft on terror - but have we thought through the downside of this brilliantly publicized, timorously debated, posterior-covering legislation?
Our central concern was to avoid rendering the President "unduly cautious in the discharge of his official duties."
EMI has been unduly cautious in not supplying the full text and translation of Carmina Burana with this release.