I hope it didn't disrupt your evening unduly.
And it would present immense practical obstacles, not least finding a way to shift from one system to another without unduly disrupting a $10 trillion-a-year economy.
The bill specifies that workers can choose when to take their time, unless managers say it unduly disrupts operations.
The bill says workers could take the comp time when they want, unless managers say it unduly disrupts operations.
The temples are unobtrusive, as if the carvers were careful to do homage to the stark terrain, not unduly disrupt it.
Under the House bill, employees could accrue up to 240 hours of comp time a year, and could take that time off as long as it did not "unduly disrupt" a company's operations.
They are also trying to create a global electronic network of customs and passport records, while trying to keep those security measures from unduly disrupting trade and travel.
It would be built in stages, so as not to unduly disrupt park activities.
Andrei Piontkovsky, who heads Moscow's Center of Strategic Research, said he believed that the treaty withdrawal should not unduly disrupt relations because the two sides disagree more over symbols than substance.