He saw the gleam of great unearthly eyes, the shimmer of fangs or talons.
At the age of 2, the boy, Jamie, is a celestial child with unearthly blue eyes, preternatural intuitiveness and an uncanny artistic gift.
She had stared straight into those unearthly eyes and laughed.
Kiel stared steadily at her with Brennen's unearthly blue eyes.
He raised his head at my silence, glaring with unearthly eyes.
His unearthly eyes still on hers, Enthor opened the box and lifted out a crystal.
Dana saw in her mind's eye the unearthly eyes of the pilot.
They were unearthly eyes, those blazing orbs of The Shadow.
Except for his darkness and his dark, unearthly eyes, he might have been thought to be human.
A chill ran through Picard when he saw those unearthly white eyes directed at him.